Package: acpid
Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe
Description-hr: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon
 Suvremena računala imaju potporu za Advance Configuration and Power
 Interface (ACPI) koji dopušta pametnu potrošnju energije vašeg sustava,
 postavke baterije i cjelokupne konfiguracije.
 ACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering
 ACPI events. It listens on netlink interface (or on the deprecated file
 /proc/acpi/event), and when an event occurs, executes programs to handle
 the event. The programs it executes are configured through a set of
 configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the

Package: adduser
Description-md5: 7965b5cd83972a254552a570bcd32c93
Description-hr: dodaje ili uklanja korisnike i grupe
 Ovaj paket uključuje naredbe 'adduser' i 'deluser' za dodavanje i
 uklanjanje korisnika.
  - 'adduser' creates new users and groups and adds existing users to
    existing groups;
  - 'deluser' removes users and groups and removes users from a given
 Dodavanje korisnika naredbom 'adduser' jednostavnije je od ručnog
 dodavanja. Adduser će odabrati prikladne UID i GID vrijednosti, napraviti
 početni direktorij, kopirati osnovnu korisničku konfiguraciju i
 automatizirati postavljanje inicijalnih vrijednosti korisničke lozinke,
 stvarnog imena itd.
 Deluser može napraviti sigurnosnu kopiju i ukloniti korisničke početne
 direktorije i poštanske pretince ili sve datoteke u njihovom vlasništvu.
 Nakon svake od naredbi može se izvršiti vlastita skripta.
  Development mailing list:

Package: alien
Description-md5: 250884c1c7113f08b8c335ac3cf22206
Description-hr: pretvori i instaliraj rpm i druge pakete
 Alien allows you to convert LSB, Red Hat, Stampede and Slackware Packages
 into Debian packages, which can be installed with dpkg.
 It can also generate packages of any of the other formats.
 This is a tool only suitable for binary packages.

Package: alsa-base
Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca
Description-hr: ALSA driver configuration files
 Ovaj paket sadrži razne konfiguracijske datoteke za ALSA upravljačke
 For ALSA to work on a system with a given sound card, there must be an
 ALSA driver for that card in the kernel. Linux 2.6 as shipped in linux-
 image packages contains ALSA drivers for all supported sound cards in the
 form of loadable modules. A custom alsa-modules package can be built from
 the sources in the alsa-source package using the m-a utility (included in
 the module-assistant package). Please read the README.Debian file for more
 information about loading and building modules.
 ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.

Package: antlr-doc
Description-md5: 2c7eadb8bcc6ff951791285f19c40007
Description-hr: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
 This package contains the documentation and examples for antlr. ANTLR
 stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). It is
 a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,
 compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or
 Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers].
 Pogledajte antlr paket za cjeloviti opis

Package: app-install-data
Description-md5: f60778a916e4cfc34f4e6d08cae5fa94
Description-hr: Ubuntu programi (datoteke s podacima)
 This package contains the Ubuntu specific application data and icons for
 software-center (and similar tools).

Package: apparmor-docs
Description-md5: ca238fbee0c75e966c57c3649cd3bc9a
Description-hr: Dokumentacija za AppArmor
 Thie provides some technical documentation for the AppArmor Mandatory
 Access Control system. Currently this is only a single PDF covering basic
 operation, written some time ago.

Package: base-files
Description-md5: 6d16337f57b84c4747f56438355b2395
Description-hr: Razne datoteke Debian osnovnog sustava
 Ovaj paket sadrži osnovnu hijerarhiju datotečnog sustava Debian sustava i
 nekoliko važnih datoteka, kao što su /etc/debian_version, /etc/host.conf,
 /etc/issue, /etc/motd, /etc/profile i druge. Također sadrži i tekst
 nekoliko najčešćih licenci korištenih u Debian sustavima.

Package: base-passwd
Description-md5: aad0cc52ee72b2469af5552851e49f03
Description-hr: Glavne datoteke lozinki i grupa Debian osnovnog sustava
 Ovo su kanonske glavne kopije korisničkih baza podataka (/etc/passwd i
 /etc/group), koje sadrže korisničke i grupne identifikatore koje je
 dodijelio Debian. Alat update-passwd se koristi za održavanje baza
 podataka sustava sinkroniziranih s ovim glavnim datotekama.

Package: bash
Description-md5: 3522aa7b4374048d6450e348a5bb45d9
Description-hr: GNU Bourne Again SHell
 Bash ljuska je interpreter naredbenog retka, usklađen sa sh ljuskom, koji
 izvršava naredbe sa standardnog ulaza ili iz datoteke.  Bash također
 sadrži korisne značajke Korn i C ljuski (ksh i csh).
 Bash u konačnici namjerava biti usklađena implementacija IEEE POSIX Shell
 and Tools specifikacije (IEEE Working Group 1003.2).
 Programabilni kod za nadopunjavanje (Programmable Completion Code, autor
 Ian Macdonald) može se pronaći u paketu bash-completion.

Package: bash-doc
Description-md5: 87bcd31a74f29447890330d831edb1f7
Description-hr: Documentation and examples for the The GNU Bourne Again SHell
 Bash ljuska je interpreter naredbenog retka, usklađen sa sh ljuskom, koji
 izvršava naredbe sa standardnog ulaza ili iz datoteke.  Bash također
 sadrži korisne značajke Korn i C ljuski (ksh i csh).
 This package contains the distributable documentation, all the examples
 and the main changelog.

Package: bsdutils
Description-md5: 1bf4bce740174530b7953a9832a5268e
Description-hr: Osnovni alati iz 4.4BSD-Lite
 Ovaj paket sadrži osnovni minimum BSD alata potrebnih za učitavanje Debian
 sustava: logger, renice, script, scriptreplay i wall. Ostali standardni
 BSD alati nalaze se u paketu bsdmainutils.

Package: coreutils
Description-md5: ca29325ab0239421f7b6be11369cc121
Description-hr: GNU osnovni alati
 Ovaj paket sadrži osnovne alate za rukovanje datotekama, ljuskom i
 tekstom, koji su očekivani na svakom operacijskom sustavu.
 Alati koji su uključeni u ovaj paket su: arch base64 basename cat chcon
 chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum comm cp csplit cut date dd df dir dircolors
 dirname du echo env expand expr factor false flock fmt fold groups head
 hostid id install join link ln logname ls md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mktemp
 mv nice nl nohup nproc od paste pathchk pinky pr printenv printf ptx pwd
 readlink rm rmdir runcon sha*sum seq shred sleep sort split stat stty sum
 sync tac tail tee test timeout touch tr true truncate tsort tty uname
 unexpand uniq unlink users vdir wc who whoami yes

Package: cpio
Description-md5: 5f492bf139a41f29fd2d6fcadf43606e
Description-hr: GNU cpio -- program za upravljanje arhivama datoteka
 GNU cpio je alat za izradu i raspakiranje arhiva ili kopiranje datoteka s
 jednog mjesta na drugo.  Može raditi s brojnim cpio formatima, što
 uključuje i čitanje i pisanje tar datoteka.

Package: dash
Description-md5: 8d4d9c32c6b2b70328f7f774a0cc1248
Description-hr: Ljuska usklađena s POSIX standardom
 Debian Almquist Shell (dash) je ljuska usklađena s POSIX standardom,
 izvedena iz ljuske ash.
 Pošto je u izvršavanju skripti brža od ljuske bash i zahtijeva manje
 biblioteka za rad (zbog čega je otpornija na sklopovske i programske
 kvarove), koristi se kao zadana ljuska sustava na Debian sustavima.

Package: debconf
Description-md5: 85b82bf406dfc9a635114f44ab7fb66d
Description-hr: Sustav za upravljanje Debian konfiguracijom
 Debconf je sustav za upravljanje konfiguracijom debian paketa. Paketi
 koriste Debconf za postavljanje pitanja kad su instalirani.

Package: debconf-i18n
Description-md5: 3f303f9083a6c63ddcfd70b4738cca54
Description-hr: potpuna internacionalizacijska podrška za debconf
 Ovaj paket sadrži potpunu internacionalizacijsku podršku za debconf,
 uključujući prijevode na sve dostupne jezike, podršku za korištenje
 prevedenih debconf predložaka i podršku za pravilan prikaz višebajtnih
 skupova znakova.

Package: debianutils
Description-md5: ccafef5bb90a2453aecca96cbb772d23
Description-hr: Razni alati specifični za Debian
 Ovaj paket sadrži brojne male alate koji se primarno koriste u
 instalacijskim skriptama Debian paketa, iako ih je moguće koristiti
 Alati koji su uključeni su: add-shell installkernel ischroot remove-shell
 run-parts savelog tempfile which

Package: diffutils
Description-md5: 5cf0bc18e36aa2957e62b309d6aa34f9
Description-hr: Alati za uspoređivanje datoteka
 Paket diffutils sadrži programe diff, diff3, sdiff i cmp.
 Program `diff' prikazuje razlike između dvije datoteke ili između
 odgovarajućih datoteka u dva direktorija.  Program `cmp' prikazuje pomake
 i brojeve redaka gdje se dvije datoteke razlikuju.  Također može prikazati
 sve znakove koji se razlikuju u dvije datoteke.  Program `diff3' prikazuje
 razlike između tri datoteke.  Program `sdiff' omogućuje interaktivno
 spajanje dvije datoteke.
 Skup razlika koji nastaje korištenjem programa `diff' može se koristiti za
 distribuciju zakrpa tekstualnih datoteka (npr.  izvorni programski kod).
 Ova je metoda posebno korisna kad su razlike male u usporedbi s cijelim
 datotekama.  Program `patch' može korištenjem rezultata izvršavanja
 programa `diff' ažurirati, odnosno "zakrpati" kopiju datoteke.

Package: dpkg
Description-md5: 2f156c6a30cc39895ad3487111e8c190
Description-hr: Debian sustav za upravljanje paketima
 Ovaj paket sadrži infrastrukturu niske razine za upravljanje instalacijom
 i uklanjanjem Debian softverskih paketa.
 Za alate za razvoj Debian paketa instalirajte dpkg-dev.

Package: e2fslibs
Description-md5: ba4f61a3e0b238831f03143cbdce696e
Description-hr: ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries
 Datotečni sustavi ext2, ext3 i ext4 su nasljednici originalnog ext
 ("extended", proširenog) datotečnog sustava. Oni su glavne vrste
 datotečnog sustava koje se koriste na diskovima na Debianu i ostalim Linux
 This package provides the ext2fs and e2p libraries, for userspace software
 that directly accesses extended file systems. Programs that use libext2fs
 include e2fsck, mke2fs, and tune2fs. Programs that use libe2p include
 dumpe2fs, chattr, and lsattr.

Package: e2fslibs-dev
Description-md5: 6c413fbf2fbe007c87112b744560fc94
Description-hr: ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries - headers and static libraries
 Datotečni sustavi ext2, ext3 i ext4 su nasljednici originalnog ext
 ("extended", proširenog) datotečnog sustava. Oni su glavne vrste
 datotečnog sustava koje se koriste na diskovima na Debianu i ostalim Linux
 This package contains the development environment for the ext2fs and e2p

Package: e2fsprogs
Description-md5: 3cc82e29372f2405b28e6171db1e687d
Description-hr: alati za rad s datotečnim sustavima ext2/ext3/ext4
 Datotečni sustavi ext2, ext3 i ext4 su nasljednici originalnog ext
 ("extended", proširenog) datotečnog sustava. Oni su glavne vrste
 datotečnog sustava koje se koriste na diskovima na Debianu i ostalim Linux
 This package contains programs for creating, checking, and maintaining
 ext2/3/4-based file systems.  It also includes the "badbocks" program,
 which can be used to scan for bad blocks on a disk or other storage

Package: findutils
Description-md5: ad1a783819241ffdf3ff5f37a676af59
Description-hr: alati za traženje datoteka--find, xargs
 GNU findutils sadrži alate za traženje datoteka koje zadovoljavaju
 navedene kriterije i izvršava razne akcije na pronađenim datotekama. Ovaj
 paket sadrži programe 'find' i 'xargs'; međutim, program 'locate' je
 izdvojen i nalazi se u posebnom paketu.

Package: gcc-4.7-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.8-aarch64-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.8-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.8-powerpc-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.8-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: gcc-4.9-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-hr: GCC, GNU zbirka prevodioca (osnovni paket)
 Ovaj paket sadrži datoteke zajedničke svim jezicima i bibliotekama
 sadržanim u GNU zbirci prevodioca (GCC).

Package: grep
Description-md5: f9188c5583d41955f3b3fe60b9d445f1
Description-hr: GNU grep, egrep i fgrep
 'grep' je alat za traženje teksta u datotekama, može se koristiti iz
 naredbenog retka ili u skriptama.  Čak i ako ga ne želite koristiti, drugi
 paketi na vašem sustavu vjerojatno hoće.
 GNU obitelj grep alata je vjerojatno "najbrži grep na zapadu". GNU grep se
 temelji na brzom determinističkom uspoređivaču (otprilike dvostruko bržem
 od uobičajenog Unix egrepa) modificiranim s Boyer-Moore- -Gosper
 pretraživačem fiksnih znakovnih nizova koji onemogućuje potpunom
 uspoređivaču regularnih izraza rad s nemogućim tekstovima bez nužnog
 uspoređivanja svih znakova. Rezultat je uobičajeno višestruko brži od
 Unixovih alata grep i egrep. (Regularni izrazi koji sadrže povratne
 reference će se ipak sporije izvoditi.)

Package: gzip
Description-md5: 100720c9e2c6508f1a1f3731537b38e5
Description-hr: GNU alati za komprimiranje
 Ovaj paket osigurava standardne GNU alate za komprimiranje, koji su
 također zadani alati za kompresiju na Debian sustavima.  Uglavnom se
 koriste za rad s datotekama čiji nazivi završavaju na '.gz', no mogu
 otpakirati i datoteke čiji nazivi završavaju na '.Z', koje su napravljene
 alatom 'compress'.

Package: hostname
Description-md5: a5a22acc3c69a7f40f07f1a8dfc93af1
Description-hr: alat za postavljanje/prikaz imena računala ili domene
 Ovaj paket sadrži naredbe koje se koriste za prikaz DNS imena sustava i za
 prikaz ili postavljanje njegovog imena ili imena NIS domene.

Package: initscripts
Description-md5: db9003c179cd2a623493209da58ea2ea
Description-hr: skripte za inicijalizaciju i gašenje sustava
 Skripte u ovom paketu inicijaliziraju standardni Debian sustav u vrijeme
 učitavanja i zaustavljaju ga u vrijeme gašenja ili ponovnog pokretanja.

Package: lib32ncurses5
Description-md5: 8c6342a7f12cb0debbe6158b1b61a805
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncurses.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32ncurses5-dev
Description-md5: bac3e7f3ca63651fa01fb109ba48a2bd
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncurses (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32ncursesw5
Description-md5: 1128887e431e21c11b633fc3998f93db
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support) (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncursesw, which includes support for wide characters.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32ncursesw5-dev
Description-md5: e1c250be1f872d6666773e1110cb1a4f
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncursesw (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncursesw will need.
 This package includes support for wide characters. This package supports
 the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's architecture.

Package: lib32tinfo-dev
Description-md5: 08e20ee82af6ae3c80f602841e0d3ad8
Description-hr: developer's library for the low-level terminfo library (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the static library and symbolic link that developers
 using the low-level terminfo library will need.  Packages should not
 build-depend on this package.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32tinfo5
Description-md5: 66317228486310575adb7d0605bca630
Description-hr: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling (32-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: liblzma-dev
Description-md5: d19d3f899b3a1d8a68ae0473ad3f9283
Description-hr: XZ-format compression library - development files
 XZ je nasljednik "Lempel-Ziv/Algoritam Markovljevih lanaca" oblika
 kompresije, koji omogućuje moćnu kompresiju (često bolju nego bzip2) te
 brzu i jednostavnu dekompresiju, no memorijski vrlo zahtjevnu.
 The native format of liblzma is XZ; it also supports raw (headerless)
 streams and the older LZMA format used by lzma. (For 7-Zip's related
 format, use the p7zip package instead.) This package provides the
 development library needed to build programs using liblzma.

Package: liblzma5
Description-md5: 0ceca09eb4ab99863be3578fa55e7d2b
Description-hr: XZ-format compression library
 XZ je nasljednik "Lempel-Ziv/Algoritam Markovljevih lanaca" oblika
 kompresije, koji omogućuje moćnu kompresiju (često bolju nego bzip2) te
 brzu i jednostavnu dekompresiju, no memorijski vrlo zahtjevnu.
 The native format of liblzma is XZ; it also supports raw (headerless)
 streams and the older LZMA format used by lzma. (For 7-Zip's related
 format, use the p7zip package instead.)

Package: libncurses5
Description-md5: 599cbbcff16d09b3b4643d84f37643fd
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncurses.

Package: libncurses5-dbg
Description-md5: 5b094421b6dbd5e535ef972eedbde981
Description-hr: debugging/profiling libraries for ncurses
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains special library versions of ncurses suitable for
 debugging and profiling. Also included are detached debugging symbols for

Package: libncurses5-dev
Description-md5: 38da502b304ea3ed5ff1e12d072d14a8
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncurses
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.

Package: libncursesw5
Description-md5: 1a69a793355bf1fff9186f00b71dd14a
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncursesw, which includes support for wide characters.

Package: libncursesw5-dbg
Description-md5: f1a8753e0e826eda9da45ea0701fb764
Description-hr: debugging/profiling libraries for ncursesw
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains special library versions of ncursesw suitable for
 debugging and profiling. Also included are detached debugging symbols for
 This package includes support for wide characters.

Package: libncursesw5-dev
Description-md5: 7cb791804adf3d6ce56ac2845116e8fd
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncursesw
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncursesw will need.
 This package includes support for wide characters.

Package: libtext-wrapi18n-perl
Description-md5: 7cfec94f97ab774b331a41f9dbcb99e1
Description-hr: internacionalizirana zamjena za Text::Wrap
 Ovaj modul je zamjena za Text::Wrap, podržava višebajtne znakove kao
 UTF-8, EUC-JP i GB2312, znakove pune širine kao što su istočnoazijski
 znakovi, kombinirajuće znakove kao što su dijakritičke oznake i tajlandski
 te jezike koji ne koriste praznine između riječi kao što su kineski i
 Također sadrži funkciju wrap().

Package: libtinfo-dev
Description-md5: 9b28f3e754af5528e34809ef3110fdc8
Description-hr: developer's library for the low-level terminfo library
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the static library and symbolic link that developers
 using the low-level terminfo library will need.  Packages should not
 build-depend on this package.

Package: libtinfo5
Description-md5: f681846d99e5156a0882bb53c35d3244
Description-hr: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.

Package: libtinfo5-dbg
Description-md5: cca02aa911a3b2e5b29be04f528843e8
Description-hr: debugging/profiling library for the low-level terminfo library
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains a special library version of the low-level terminfo
 library suitable for debugging and profiling. Also included are detached
 debugging symbols for libtinfo5.

Package: libx32ncurses5
Description-md5: fceb9a289e870db9f0ebc092d5b96499
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncurses.
 This package supports the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: libx32ncurses5-dev
Description-md5: b4a970837706b4434dc3c622b9db96a0
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncurses (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.
 This package supports the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: libx32ncursesw5
Description-md5: ded417186d6fc291b9168dbf45fc2904
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support) (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncursesw, which includes support for wide characters.
 This package supports the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: libx32ncursesw5-dev
Description-md5: e08e46c6b2e6a096698ef5796a340bcd
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncursesw (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncursesw will need.
 This package includes support for wide characters. This package supports
 the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: libx32tinfo-dev
Description-md5: 07504aca713c2109065ae32313771856
Description-hr: developer's library for the low-level terminfo library (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the static library and symbolic link that developers
 using the low-level terminfo library will need.  Packages should not
 build-depend on this package.
 This package supports the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: libx32tinfo5
Description-md5: aaad1594952fc8f070fce7c9f0e240c7
Description-hr: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling (x32)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.
 This package supports the x32 ABI variant of your system's architecure.

Package: login
Description-md5: a9c42fe48288d1e8b7d3d34463d0f485
Description-hr: alati za prijavu
 Ovi alati su potrebni za prijavu na sustav i njegovo korištenje. Program
 login pokreće korisničku ljusku i omogućuje izvršavanje naredbi. Program
 newgrp koristi se za promjenu efektivne grupne oznake. Program su
 dozvoljava promjenu efektivne korisničke oznake (korisno kad je potrebno
 izvršiti naredbu kao drugi korisnik).

Package: lsb
Description-md5: 2d741321255c783f018fabc70b9cada9
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 support package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of all modules of version 4.1 of
 the Linux Standard Base for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel ia64 (Itanium),
 IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux kernel. Future
 revisions of the specification and this package may support the LSB on
 additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-base
Description-md5: 4ebb3d88f9f483751e70c55779c52d01
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 funkcionalnost init skripte
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 Ovaj paket sadrži samo biblioteku ljuske init-funkcija, koja može
 koristiti inicijalizacijske skripte drugih paketa za prijavu i druge

Package: lsb-core
Description-md5: 0ca1434442640c4286051139fba3ca97
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of the core of version 4.1 of the
 Linux Standard Base for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel ia64 (Itanium), IBM
 S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux kernel. Future
 revisions of the specification and this package may support the LSB on
 additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-cxx
Description-md5: 21e560a494c5b941fceb1817bb03016e
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 C++ support package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base C++ (CXX) specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-desktop
Description-md5: a4a23adc078b3a89d519fea8b4992f57
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 Desktop support package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base Desktop specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-graphics
Description-md5: c99be14e0609819f14571d6536c483c9
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 graphics support package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base graphics specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-invalid-mta
Description-md5: 33de1113b88f03d989868cbc67ba462c
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base sendmail dummy
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package contains nothing else than a fake /usr/sbin/sendmail command
 to fulfill the LSB's requirement of providing this command without
 requiring an MTA to get installed, which once introduces a daemon which
 can cause security problems and second, users get asked questions about
 how they want their MTA configured when in reality they simply wanted to
 install a desktop application or a printer driver, but the dependency on
 LSB compliance pulls in an MTA with the installation.
 The LSB requirement on /usr/sbin/sendmail comes from old times where Linux
 and Unix machines had all fixed IPs and did server tasks in data centers.
 Today's typical desktop Linux machines do not do local e-mail any more as
 users use external e-mail services.
 The /usr/sbin/sendmail always exits with exit status -1 (255) and sends a
 warning message to stderr, so that if a program actually tries to send
 e-mail via the sendmail command the user gets note.

Package: lsb-languages
Description-md5: 044651bb4028f994ed0ce8271f3507f8
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 Runtime Languages package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base Languages specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-multimedia
Description-md5: 113d28be1f55f13e02991990aaeb2c55
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 Multimedia package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base Multimedia specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-printing
Description-md5: f754b65e189013cff8916aed10432001
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 Printing package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base Printing specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: lsb-release
Description-md5: 65ec3e346c054b77b914b6a1d4e5fb15
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base version reporting utility
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 The lsb-release command is a simple tool to help identify the Linux
 distribution being used and its compliance with the Linux Standard Base.
 LSB conformance will not be reported unless the required metapackages are
 While it is intended for use by LSB packages, this command may also be
 useful for programmatically distinguishing between a pure Debian
 installation and derived distributions.

Package: lsb-security
Description-md5: eddd2601035e68421572ea29929958fb
Description-hr: Linux Standard Base 4.1 Security package
 Linux Standard Base ( je standardni sržni sustav
 o kojem mogu ovisiti aplikacije pisane za Linux.
 This package provides an implementation of version 4.1 of the Linux
 Standard Base Security specification for Debian on the Intel x86, Intel
 ia64 (Itanium), IBM S390, and PowerPC 32-bit architectures with the Linux
 kernel. Future revisions of the specification and this package may support
 the LSB on additional architectures and kernels.
 The intent of this package is to provide a best current practice way of
 installing and running LSB packages on Debian GNU/Linux. Its presence does
 not imply that Debian fully complies with the Linux Standard Base, and
 should not be construed as a statement that Debian is LSB-compliant.

Package: mawk
Description-md5: e02f3de1fa8a56e3f324f082c0c2e41f
Description-hr: jezik za pretraživanje uzoraka i obradu teksta
 Mawk je interpreter programskog jezika AWK. Jezik AWK je koristan za
 rukovanje datotekama s podacima, dohvaćanje teksta i obradu te rad s
 prototipovima i eksperimentiranje s algoritmima. Mawk je novi awk koji
 implementira jezik AWK kako je definiran u "Aho, Kernighan, Weinberger,
 The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1988." (u
 daljnjem tekstu "AWK knjiga"). Mawk odgovara POSIX 1003.2 (nacrt 11.3)
 definiciji jezika AWK koji sadrži nekoliko značajki koje nisu definirane u
 "AWK knjizi", a omogućuje i nekoliko ekstenzija.
 Mawk je manji i mnogo brži nego gawk. Ima nekoliko ograničenja pri
 kompajliranju poput NF = 32767 i sprintf buffer = 1020.

Package: mount
Description-md5: 46eb8e09a600d5eb98b6b40428349102
Description-hr: Alati za montiranje i rukovanje datotečnim sustavima
 Ovaj paket sadrži naredbe mount(8), umount(8), swapon(8), swapoff(8) i

Package: ncurses-base
Description-md5: 2cbef17322c0de7f007682de54ca0d4a
Description-hr: basic terminal type definitions
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains terminfo data files to support the most common types
 of terminal, including ansi, dumb, linux, rxvt, screen, sun, vt100, vt102,
 vt220, vt52, and xterm.

Package: ncurses-bin
Description-md5: 682ee2624c08c54a53ecaefd778a4d86
Description-hr: programi i priručnici vezani uz terminal
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 Ovaj paket sadrži programe korištene za rukovanje terminfo bazom podataka
 i pojedinačnim terminfo unosima, kao i neke programe za resetiranje
 terminala i slično.

Package: ncurses-doc
Description-md5: 4967594fdf42e5e326a6d1be21322eb0
Description-hr: developer's guide and documentation for ncurses
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains an introduction to writing programs with ncurses a
 guide to the internals of the ncurses library.  It also includes the
 libraries' man pages.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.

Package: ncurses-examples
Description-md5: 9636435dbca7946bfd1b9d0a5f71adc9
Description-hr: test programs and examples for ncurses
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains programs demonstrating the possibilities of ncurses
 and testing the library. The examples include an analog/digital clock and
 several classic programs such as solitaire, battleships, a knight's tour
 on a chess board, the towers of Hanoi and several others.

Package: ncurses-term
Description-md5: 4b4085015cb669f69f4316436f2a2f6a
Description-hr: additional terminal type definitions
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains all of the numerous terminal definitions not found
 in the ncurses-base package.

Package: passwd
Description-md5: 5bbd70e421ed3367a8299e53bd7afed4
Description-hr: promjena i upravljanje podacima o lozinkama i grupama
 Ovaj paket sadrži passwd, chsh, chfn i mnoge druge programe za održavanje
 podataka o lozinkama i grupama.
 Shadow lozinke su podržane. Pogledajte /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian

Package: perl-base
Description-md5: 7c818331fe8bc53134bb22330b07f5ae
Description-hr: minimalni Perl sustav
 Perl je skriptni jezik korišten u mnogim sistemskim skriptama i alatima.
 Ovaj paket sadrži Perl interpreter i najmanji podskup standardnih
 biblioteka potrebnih za izvršavanje jednostavnih zadataka. Za potpunu
 instalaciju Perla, instalirajte "perl" (i sve ovisnosti, "perl-modules" i

Package: sed
Description-md5: 67b5a614216e15a54b09cad62d5d5afc
Description-hr: GNU sed uređivač toka podataka
 sed čita navedene datoteke ili standardni ulaz ako datoteke nisu navedene,
 radi promjene uređivanja prema popisu naredbi i ispisuje rezultat na
 standardni izlaz.

Package: sensible-utils
Description-md5: 762f81736340b99921c41ac6bb08e2b1
Description-hr: Alati za razuman odabir alternativa
 Ovaj paket sadrži nekoliko jednostavnih alata koji programi koriste za
 razumno biranje i pokretanje odgovarajućeg preglednika, uređivača ili
 Alati uključeni u ovaj paket su: sensible-browser sensible-editor

Package: sysvinit-utils
Description-md5: 1d2bc4c9c32104729144c7578ecd30bd
Description-hr: Alati sustava System-V
 Ovaj paket sadrži važne alate sustava System-V.
 Neki od alata sadržanih u paketu su: killall5, last, lastb, mesg, pidof,
 service, sulogin

Package: tar
Description-md5: 48033bf96442788d1f697785773ad9bb
Description-hr: GNU inačica alata za arhiviranje tar
 Tar je program za pakiranje skupa datoteka u jednu arhivu u tar formatu.
 Uloga programa je konceptualno slična programu cpio i programima kao PKZIP
 u DOS svijetu.  Osim što se učestalo koristi u Debian sustavu za
 upravljanje paketima, također je koristan i za backup sustava i razmjenu
 skupova datoteka.

Package: tasksel
Description-md5: 60dd85155b58c0e35083e848351ae922
Description-hr: Alat za odabir zadataka za instalaciju na Debian sustavu
 Ovaj paket sadrži 'tasksel', jednostavno sučelje za korisnike koji žele
 prilagoditi svoj sustav izvršavanju određenih zadataka.

Package: unzip
Description-md5: b83e2b495da5d292f3fe6ab67b088c47
Description-hr: De-archiver for .zip files
 InfoZIP's unzip program. With the exception of multi-volume archives (ie,
 .ZIP files that are split across several disks using PKZIP's /& option),
 this can handle any file produced either by PKZIP, or the corresponding
 InfoZIP zip program.
 Ova inačica pdržava šifriranje.

Package: util-linux
Description-md5: ed29c47368a140794fd6df09a19c1372
Description-hr: Pomoćni alati sustava
 Ovaj paket sadrži brojne važne alate, čija je većina usmjerena održavanju
 sustava.  Neki od važnijih alata uključenih u ovaj paket omogućuju
 particioniranje diska, pregled poruka jezgre i izradu novih datotečnih

Package: xvfb
Description-md5: ff95e4399e5ec034de6998347673eb73
Description-hr: Virtualni Framebuffer 'lažni' X poslužitelj
 Xvfb provides an X server that can run on machines with no display
 hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer
 using virtual memory. The primary use of this server was intended to be
 server testing, but other novel uses for it have been found, including
 testing clients against unusual depths and screen configurations, doing
 batch processing with Xvfb as a background rendering engine, load testing,
 as an aid to porting the X server to a new platform, and providing an
 unobtrusive way to run applications that don't really need an X server but
 insist on having one anyway.
 This package also contains a convenience script called xvfb-run which
 simplifies the automated execution of X clients in a virtual server
 environment. This convenience script requires the use of the xauth
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: xz-utils
Description-md5: ea97a558c8575aebbed2c11cbd20e0f2
Description-hr: Alati za kompresiju XZ-oblika
 XZ je nasljednik "Lempel-Ziv/Algoritam Markovljevih lanaca" oblika
 kompresije, koji omogućuje moćnu kompresiju (često bolju nego bzip2) te
 brzu i jednostavnu dekompresiju, no memorijski vrlo zahtjevnu.
 Ovaj paket sadrži alate naredbenog retka za rad s XZ kompresijom,
 uključujući xz, unxz, xzcat, xzgrep itd. Oni također mogu raditi sa starim
 LZMA oblikom, a ako su pozvani preko odgovarajućih simboličkih veza, mogu
 emulirati ponašanje naredbi u paketu lzma.
 XZ oblik je sličan starijem LZMA obliku, no uključuje neka poboljšanja za
 općenitu uporabu:
  * 'file' magic for detecting XZ files;
  * crc64 data integrity check;
  * limited random-access reading support;
  * improved support for multithreading (not used in xz-utils);
  * support for flushing the encoder.

Package: yapps2
Description-md5: e0daec7e8417eea1a6ad27d120598d3d
Description-hr: Još Jedan Python Parser Sistem
 YAPPS is an easy to use parser generator that is written in Python and
 generates Python code.  There are several parser generator systems already
 available for Python, but this parser has different goals: Yapps is
 simple, very easy to use, and produces human-readable parsers.
 It is not the fastest or most powerful parser.  Yapps is designed to be
 used when regular expressions are not enough and other parser systems are
 too much: situations where you might otherwise write your own recursive
 descent parser.
 This package contains several upward-compatible enhancements to the
 original YAPPS source:
     - handles recursive input ("include files")
     - better error reporting
     - reads input incrementally

Package: yapps2-runtime
Description-md5: 5818ec475f14a1d7b0209d5ee2aed309
Description-hr: Još Jedan Python Parser Sistem
 YAPPS is an easy to use parser generator that is written in Python and
 generates Python code.  There are several parser generator systems already
 available for Python, but this parser has different goals: Yapps is
 simple, very easy to use, and produces human-readable parsers.
 This package contains the Python runtime support for parsers generated
 with yapps2.

Package: zip
Description-md5: 581928d34d669e63c353cd694bd040b0
Description-hr: Archiver for .zip files
 This is InfoZIP's zip program. It produces files that are fully compatible
 with the popular PKZIP program; however, the command line options are not
 identical. In other words, the end result is the same, but the methods
 differ. :-)
 Ova inačica pdržava šifriranje.

Package: zsh-doc
Description-md5: 9b5459fce7bedf54d5694a22e68389c7
Description-hr: zsh dokumentacija - info/HTML oblik
 Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login
 shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh
 most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has
 command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command
 completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
 host of other features.
 Ovo sadrži dokumentacije u GNU info i HTML oblicima.

Package: lib64ncurses5
Description-md5: b8bc33d7762cd795ba47795e882f7c30
Description-hr: shared libraries for terminal handling (64-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with ncurses.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib64ncurses5-dev
Description-md5: 6bddbac1ee6d7fcd11d85aa04df9fae3
Description-hr: developer's libraries for ncurses (64-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib64tinfo5
Description-md5: 8149870374b84523eba149791f7dca6d
Description-hr: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling (64-bit)
 ncurses bibliotečni potprogrami su metode ažuriranja znakovnih ekrana s
 razumnom optimizacijom neovisne o terminalu.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's